After record-breaking heat this week, we are expecting a frost Friday night, so I am busy bringing everything in. Some of the Bull Nose pepper plants are so loaded with fruit, they have fallen over! Ajvarski peppers...these are the BEST! And lots of pumpkins! But vegetables aren't the only thing I've been gathering. I've been saving seeds from my flowers all summer long, both for my own use, and to offer to other gardeners locally, and through my website. Evening Dame's Rocket... Four O'Clocks... Balsam...these seeds are so much fun to save! When the pods are ripe they will burst open when gently squeezed, so you have to be careful or they will go everywhere! Heartesease... My box of seeds...this was taken a few weeks ago, so there are a lot more now. In fact, I may need a bigger box! If you are interested, please check out my new page here: And while I'm talking about seeds, I wanted to share these pictures from Monticello. I forgot to include it in my post about my visit there! That's all for the moment, but I will be taking more pictures before my garden gets hit by the frost!
I was in the garden gathering four o'clock seeds when I notice a few tiny cosmos flowers. This gave me the idea for a vase of miniature flowers! I have some very tiny love-in-a-mist flowers and seed pods as well. The only obstacle was that I don't have a vase that small, so I just used this little cup I picked up as a souvenir years ago! Cosmos... I used a few of the smallest malope flowers I could find... Tiny love-in-a-mist...this flower is only about the size of a dime! A similar sized seed-pod... More wild asters that planted themselves at the front of my garden! And I love this French mallow! I will be planting lots more next year, from seeds I got at Monticello. I look forward to seeing what others have made today at Have a great week!
We are having beautiful Indian Summer weather lately. Mornings are chilly, but our afternoons have even been rather hot! A lot of the leaves have already turned color, although we aren't at peak foliage yet... My arrangement this week is a joyful mix of my favorite late-summer/early fall flowers. I'm so grateful that our growing season is being prolonged awhile yet! Overhead views... Giant Primrose sunflowers...only one plant survived so I hadn't planned to cut any, but several stems got snapped in the wind, so I now have a good excuse! Dwarf Queeny hollyhocks... A few of my balsam plants are still flowering. I believe this phlox is "Franz Schubert" was also a gift from a dear friend! The hyacinth beans are so beautiful. I feel rather sad that I may not grow them again, since it takes them so long to grow and bloom here. Still, it's satisfying that I did manage to grow a tropical African native in Maine! (Not taking credit myself-I just like to defy our climate now and then!) Lol Sensation Mix cosmos (there are some white flowers in this bouquet, too). I planted these in my first flower garden, 8 years ago! And of course, more malope! Hope you all have a great week! Please visit to see the lovely arrangements other gardeners have contributed this week!
We had some much needed rain this past week. The weather was chilly, but still no frost, so I'm savoring what time is left in the garden! A delightful tangle of flowers...but I admit my garden is a little too messy this year! Finally! A picture that I think almost does the malope justice... The balsam is still blooming. I'm anxiously waiting for the seeds to ripen! One of the few hyacinth beans that climbed the bean arbor... Giant Primrose sunflowers...these are taller than me! Some scenes from the vegetable garden... I hope your garden is bringing you delight as Fall approaches! Please visit to see other garden views around the world this week!
I had a lot of fun with this arrangement, and was pleasantly surprised at how well it turned out! I've been noticing lately how nice orange and yellow look with blue and purple, as I have nasturtiums growing alongside heliotrope and petunias, and borage next to marigolds in the vegetable garden. The scene in my vegetable garden that inspired this bouquet...borage and marigolds. The seeds for these marigolds were a gift from a friend, so they are quite special to me! Most of my borage is done blooming, but there is one plant in the vegetable garden (the one next to the marigolds) that just keeps getting bigger and better! Dill turned out to be a nice filler, I think... These are the darkest of my Old-fashioned petunias... There are a few nasturtiums tucked in here, too... I look forward to seeing what other gardeners have created this week at:
Pink, purple, and white has got to be my favorite color combination! I just stuck these into a Ball's canning jar, in hopes that they wouldn't look so crowded as in a smaller vase, but apparently I just picked too many anyway! A white lace doily would have complimented this arrangement nicely I think! I love the way this picture turned out! Our early Fall sunlight is so soft and pretty on the flowers. There is a lot of Malope in this bouquet! A few Old-fashioned Vining petunias...I haven't been dead-heading my plants because I'm saving seed, so most of them are past their prime now. Echinacea is still blooming... Hyacinth Beans... And here's a surprise! This is Buckwheat from the cover crop I planted on my new vegetable garden plot! I thought it was pretty enough for the vase as well! These are just some wild asters that are in bloom everywhere here... Here they are in the field... I keep telling myself I'm not going to pick anymore of the snapdragons, but they are irresistable! And that's it! Please visit to see what other gardeners have arranged this week. :)
It was good to see my garden again after almost 2 weeks away. Not a whole lot has changed, but the Only the Lonely nicotiana is taller and my one and only sunflower plant is blooming! Fall is in the air...yesterday it was in the 40s all day, with wind and rain. But no frost yet, thank goodness! Oh! And a few of my hyacinth beans are actually blooming! They don't compare to Mr. Jefferson's of course, but I'm happy just to have a few blossoms! The Four O'clocks are really at their loveliest now! Just for fun, I decided to take some pictures of the gardens from upstairs yesterday. It was interesting to see everything from a different perspective! And here are some more close-ups... Someone had a feast on my broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage while I was away. :/ Most likely a moose... But on the bright side, I'm getting so excited about these pumpkins! I counted 12 a few days ago. The white one is Dishpan Cushaw, and the buff one is Long Island Cheese. I also have some New England Sugar Pie, but didn't take pictures yet. Well, I should go get back to work...more later!
AuthorI am a passionate gardener and seed-saver, who also enjoys playing the violin and accordion, running, spending time with my 4 golden retrievers, keeping chickens, photography, and reading. Archives
March 2019